Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thankful Thursday Top ??

I am going to attempt my Thankful Thursday post - but frankly putting 10 on it makes me feel very ungrateful when I can only reach 7...which usually seems to be my magic number.  Ah well, here goes - things I am thankful for TODAY!

1) Being able to work from home.
There is nothing quite like getting up in the morning (at 9 since my hubby gets up with the baby at 7), getting a shower, watching some Sesame Street then putting Grace down for her morning nap and heading to my my pajamas.  :) 

2) A job.
In the same vein, having a job and an income is always nice.  It's always nice when random extras come in too - I like those surprise additions of income.  Maybe I will start selling cakes.  But still no weddings :)

3) Grace as a snuggler!
For whatever reason lately Grace has decided she likes to snuggle - which I'm ok with.  I love watching her grow up and how much she loves me :)  I know that sounds silly, but its sweet.  I also love how easily she gets along with people she doesn't know as well - it takes her a moment to warm up to them but she is usually very good with other people too!

4) My Bible study girls
I'm so excited to be able to continue to work with them!  We just got a great donation to the program this morning that will help pay for the expenses of almost three girls.  As we're getting closer to the end and having the bigger expenses start to come that is amazing God timing and I'm grateful!

5) Sickness
Sickness? Yes, sickness.  I haven't felt so good today or last night...and I am choosing to be thankful for it because it means we've got a baby growing.  I am also thankful for a God who watches over us, blesses us and holds us in His hands.

6) Friends who leave me the contents of their freezers :)
Last night we had a wonderful dinner made almost entirely of food left behind when my new friend moved back to Georgia!  Yummy :)

7) Sweet Rolls
Apparently I get to make sweet rolls with my mom today.  I love that she lives close enough for us to go over whenever we feel like it.  I love that she taught me how to bake and that is a skill I still have.  I love that she invites us over because she likes us!!

8) Jordan
My 15 year old little sister who had a birthday yesterday!  I can remember when she was LITTLE!!! (Ok, she is my sister in law, but whatever).  Ah those kids are growing up SO fast!  She is a sweet girl, an awesome babysitter and a wonderful young lady!

9) My hubby
What a great man he is to get up with the baby every morning!  He also does not have the joy of working at home so kudos to him for braving the weather and going to work every morning.  He takes good care of us!

10) Christmas
I love getting together with my family and just spending time.  I can't wait for tomorrow and Saturday!! (And my hubby gets this weekend off work which is even better!!)

Ah, I made it to 10 - not so eloquently but there you go - 10 reasons I feel blessed, love and content.

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