Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thankful Thursdays Top Ten #68

Thankful Thursday!!

1. I am thankful for celebrating my 28th birthday with my family!  My husband jokes that birthdays in my family are more like 10 day celebrations rather than a single day.  This is very true.  I spent the weekend with my parents and grandparents and then Sunday with my family and Monday with my mom and some alone time.  It was good.

2. I am thankful I got to go to the Air Force Museum with my Grandpa, dad and my kids to see the planes that Grandpa used to fly!

3. I am thankful to get to have my grandparents in my life and hear their stories and the things that are important to them.

4. I am thankful for phone calls from my big kids who love the Lord so much and let me pray with them.

5. I am thankful for that ah-ha moment when my big kids start to get kids of their own and finally get what I've been doing with them all these years :)

6. I am thankful when #4 and #5 happen within 20 minutes of each other - feels like a hug from God.

7. I am thankful for tennis with my dad!  We have been playing a lot and it's fun, gets me out of bed in the morning and makes me sweat! 

8. I am thankful for people who speak wisdom into my life and that I'm never too old to need someone who I can call for wisdom!

9. I am thankful for no potty accidents this week!
(Ok, one time there was a little bit of an accident but it wasn't for lack of trying.  I asked Grace what happened and she said "My pee pees JUST DON'T LISTEN" and I about lost it I was laughing so hard.)

10. I am thankful for Abi walking, talking and doing so great! 

11. I am thankful for 3 more family birthdays in the next 6 weeks...we are all within 7 weeks of each other.  Weird? (July 30, August 30, August 31, September 16)

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