Oh no guys, next week I'll hit one year of thankfuls and I haven't even BEGUN to look through them yet! I can't even imagine how much fun it is going to be to go through and celebrate again. I'll get to relive those weeks where there were so many thankfuls to choose from, and those weeks that were hard, that we learned from and that we got through. Our God is good, all the time.
Did you know my grandpa and I share a birthday? It's the BEST! |
I have had a chance to sit down - across many miles over the phone - with my best friend this week and just say things that needed to be said. Things that were on my heart that I don't talk about much and can I tell you how thankful I am for those friendships? I can't imagine what my life would be like without her and those people who I know will rejoice when I rejoice and let me hurt when life hurts. I'm so blessed, I really really am.
1. I am thankful for the reminder that my kids are only little once and to enjoy them while I've got them!
2. I am thankful for a band that is coming to the teen center tomorrow with an amazing ministry. It will be one of those nights where we will just ask God to blow us away with what He is going to do next.
3. I am thankful for my Princess girls! I can't wait to get started next week!
4. I am thankful for amazing opportunities to work with teen girls. I just wish they could all move in to a house next door to me so it was easier to see them more often (but then I can go home while they stay up all night giggling :)
5. I am thankful for friends who know that thankfulness and making it through sometimes just go hand in hand.
6. I am thankful for Easter! Oh my, I am so grateful that a lot of my extended family lives close by and we get to see them fairly often. I am delighted that I have such a great relationship with my grandparents (Happy birthday Grandma!) and that my kids get to know them!
7. I am thankful for my husband fixing things! We've had a lot of random lights break lately, walls that needed repair (I may or may not have pulled a chunk of plaster off with Command hooks) and just random things that needed to be done. He has been awesome at tackling them!
8. I am thankful my kiddo LOVES to help me bake! She is so much fun!
9. I am thankful that messes clean easily ;) (so far anyway)
10. I am thankful that who I am today is enough and who I am tomorrow will probably be even better.