Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thankful Thursdays Top Ten #53

Oh guys, I wanted to badly to sit down with ya'll yesterday and just write.  Not that I had anything super important to say but I feel myself retracting into that place where I get caught up in my own doubts and fears and uncertainty because I don't take the time to express what is going on in my world.  Call me crazy, but I love knowing that I'm not the only one who feels like I am still just trying to figure life out!

Here are my thankfuls this week!

1. I am thankful for my babies.  One of my two year olds favorite phrases (in addition to MOMMY, HELP, come quick) is "watch me!".  It makes me sad though for children who do not have anyone to delight in them.

2. My new android phone.  (How about that transition from deep to shallow?)  Draw Something is good fun. Except for the people who write the word.  And the people who I know are judging my drawing skills!

3. My ability to take better kid pics and videos on above said phone for further above said reason.

4. A busy but productive week.  I feel like I have been going non-stop this week working tons of hours and getting stuff busted out.  Hopefully we will see visible results!

5. FOURTEEN girls who are signed up for Princess Program this time around.  FOURTEEN!  And three more who are doing Experiencing God with me...speaking of which I need to go do that homework.

6. Have I mentioned I love my job?  Mainly because of reasons like thankful #5!  I also get to work in my home with my coffee and my sweet babies around!

7.  Sleeping in!  When Gabby (my 4 year old sis in law) stayed with us last week she got me up around 7, 7:30 every morning.  I am NOT a morning person.  So I mentioned to my husband that I would like to sleep in Wednesday morning.  He got up with the girls and then came and woke me up at 9am.  So sweet.

8. No babies in my bedroom!  Now that Gabby is back at home we re-kicked Abi out of our room...and it is nice not having to tiptoe around to go to bed!

9. Laughter. 

10. Windows.  Can totally hear the beatles smacking against the window and beatles creep me out. :D


1 comment:

  1. thanks for linking up! sorry i'm late, we've been sick.

    i miss you dearly.

    i love your heart for girls. 14! yay!

    i really wish we lived close together and we could do that together.

    can you come see me this summer? pretty please?
