Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thankful Thursday Top Ten #44

What happens when you say oh man, I need to write more?  Well if you're me, you write less.  Sorry about that!

Here are my thankfuls!

1. I am thankful for happy faces!

2. I am thankful that sickness is not often in my house and generally short lived.  (I was sick Monday and when I woke up Tuesday morning I realized I had slept 14 of the past 17 hours...I went to Bible study :)  Grace was sick yesterday with a pretty high temp but she hung out in PJs most of the day watching shows and thought that was pretty cool.  She is much better today)

3. I am thankful that I get to spend the weekend with my Hubs!

4. I am thankful for honesty and gentleness.

5. I am thankful for twirling like a princess and how much I learn from my Princess!

6. I am thankful for kids who wake up happy.

7. I am thankful that my Hubs often gets up with the kids.

8. I am thankful Grace takes such good care of Abi and loves on her!

9. I am thankful for all the things I learn everyday.

10. I am thankful for the healthy delivery of baby Harrison and that his momma is doing great!  They're headed home today and I cannot wait to meet that little man!

Link up here:


  1. A whole week? Finally!! lol

    Yay baby Harrison!! And those cute little girls of yours!

  2. Great list of thankfuls! :) I enjoyed your sweet girl smiling faces to. I have that issue of thinking I need to do something more and then doing the opposite to. :) You are not alone.

  3. your girls are TOO sweet. i'm also impressed with your photos on the wall, we've lived here almost a year and i still havent done it yet ; ) miss you!
