Sunday, October 14, 2012

This Week's Goals

I always find I am more productive when I've publicly said "this is what I'm going to attempt to do."  In the midst of my fairly restful weekend, I needed some down time, I got a LOT accomplished.  She here are my goals for the week.  Let's see if that will help me meet them!

1. Spend time with the Lord EVERY day.  Not just "oh, I snuggled under a blanket and prayed" but legit, spending time investing my relationship with Him.  How shallow I am sometimes.

2. Pray.  Pray for those around me, situations that are rising up and feelings that burn in my heart that just need to be poured out.

1. Come up with one new way to advertise in the two areas I work on. 

2. Focus completely when it is work time.

1. Turn off work when it is "family" time.

2. Read my kids one book each day.

3. Update my daily chore list to reflect my new schedule and evaluate what my realistic expectations are.

4. Write.  Even if it is just 5 minutes a day.

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