Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thankful Thursdays Top Ten #4

Here we go!  So much to be thankful for!

1) That this week was not last week!  Man, was I hormonal! :)  This week I have been calmer, Grace has been calmer and things have been good.

2) Dinner with my hubby!  Usually Aaron has martial arts on Tuesday and Thursday so if we eat dinner together it is late (which is fine, martial arts is a good thing).  This week they were on spring break so we got in a couple extra family dinners.

3) A clean bill of health for my baby girl on Monday.  It took two hours but they said all looked well.  Here is a picture of her feet :)

4) Time with family.  I love Easter and Thanksgiving because we get to see a lot of family that we don't often spend time with.  Other than the "wow, if you're this big now I'd hate to see you at 9 months" comments we had a lot of fun!  Grace was on her best behavior and adorable in her Easter dress...which of course I have no pictures of.

5) 24 weeks of pregnancy!  I am back to feeling tired right around lunch time but other than that feel VERY good for where I'm at!  And call me a dork but I'm totally looking forward to delivery this time.  I feel like now I know what to expect I can "enjoy" it a little more.  (I've also convince myself that since I only pushed with Grace for an hour, she was a first baby AND she was face up this one is going to be easier but we'll see how it goes!)

6) A visit from a good friend!  One of my friends from high school was in town this weekend and I got to spend a lot of time with her on Saturday.  She helps keep me sane and is amazing!  She is also going out of the country for three weeks so I'm going to have to find other people to randomly text throughout the day :)

7) Protection from the storms.  Man, tornadoes scare me!  My husband made fun of me a bit last night because I was quite worried we wouldn't have time to react.  After finally deciding to trust his judgement, putting some blankets, cheerios and apple juice on the table ready to grab if we had to flee to the basement and double checking the weather on my phone I FINALLY went to sleep but it was certainly less than restful.

8) Lazy days.  It's a sad day when I don't feel like doing much and I'm chalking it up to pregnancy tiredness and giving myself some down time.  Now instead of trying to be busy every time Grace is asleep or watching Sesame Street I have been trying to get work done most of the time and rest a bit as well.  I feel lazy but I'm also growing  a baby so do with it what you will.

9) A new counseling room for our teen center!  This has been a HUGE project but the walls are up and in the process of being finished!  SUPER exciting!  This will give us an easily accessible space where we can chat with teens rather than have to convince them to go all the way across the building.  It is a blessing!

10) Oreos.  I know profound right?  Even the off-name ones I find delightful.  They are terrible for me and are probably going to make my next weigh in at the Dr office slightly embarrassing but I'm enjoying them.  I NEVER buy them because I know how much I like to eat them.  But Grace picked up a pack at the grocery store so I justified it as a treat for her.  She has eaten two.  :)

Thanks for reading my thankfuls!  I'm thankful you made it to the end!


  1. LOL! I enjoyed your thankfuls very much! :) I can't believe the comments that people made about your pregnancy. I am sure you are gorgeous! All pregnant women are!

  2. Someone told me this week, "Oh I have three kids too"..."Don't worry, you won't always look so tired" ha ha THANKS

    You're doing a great job making that baby---rest up and know you look "like a machine" [a cute one]

    Do a Easter re-do and take her pictures OR ELSE!

    Yay for teen center room!!!!!!
