Thankful Thursdays
1. I am thankful for my husband. He has been working crazy hours and its been nuts.
2. I am thankful for my new (free) king sized bed!
3. I am thankful for my 2 week old and 2 year old (her birthday is tomorrow oh my!)
4. I am thankful for afternoon naps - no explanation needed.
5. I am thankful for figuring out a feeding system for Abi that doesn't make me crazy. More on that later.
6. I am thankful for the new focus on obedience at my house.
7. I am thankful for what I have been learning in my quiet times lately. Maybe more on that later.
8. I am thankful for an abundance of clothes for my kid...I'm hoping to get some sorted tonight.
9. I am thankful the Lord provided a new building for our thrift store, a way to pay the deposit, and an amazing donation of fixtures to put in there.
10. I am thankful for God's provision. This has been a crazy transition to two kids and its hard, not going to lie, but I love my girls and am so thankful for them!
Comment your thankfuls or link up!!

Congrats on the new baby! This is a great list! Visiting from Curious Georgi's Thankful Thursday