This week I am thankful for...
1. Play time in the snow with Grace and with both girls at the mall playground.
2. Coupons...learning the deals, trying not to get stressed out by them :)
3. Pedicure with my momma!
4. Bible study with my girls and my good friends!
5. Decisions to make some changes.
6. Discipline for the young one...I love knowing that learning rules and behaviors now have a lasting impact. Makes me want to stay on my toes as a mom.
7. Grilling! I am NOT a fan of cooking meat (I always end up tearing it up to see if it is done, it's a problem) but I grilled hamburgers (or hamburger footballs...only had sub buns) all by myself and they were YUMMY!
8. My hardworking super handsome love of my life Hubs.
9. Sleep...ok, this has been a bit sparse but I have an idea to get some more sleep that I'm excited to try. It may involve my kid's pack and play being moved into a closet. :) (I can't sleep if I can hear her...just too light a sleeper...but I need to be able to hear her if she gets loud because if I can't I won't sleep worrying about I figure if she is in the closet there will be sound dampening if she's just babbling but if she needs me I can hear her)
10. Grace. And not my kid Grace (although her too) but just the knowledge that we are covered in grace. Without it I'd be a mess.
What are YOU thankful for? Link up!

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