Friday, December 23, 2011

Thankful Thursday Top Ten #36

Here's the quick list!  Ok, my lists are never quick.

1. I am thankful for celebrating both Christmas and my father in law's 50th birthday last night!  We gathered for an innocent little family celebration at 5:00...and people started pouring in the door for his surprise party at 6:30.  I had been receiving birthday cards for him all week - it was fun.  Jill (mom-in-law) did a great job!

2. I am thankful for how well behaved Grace was last night.  I mean, she's two, but she listened, was polite, said thank you, waited her turn.  I love it.

3. I am thankful for a new prescription for the kiddo.  We have got to figure this rash thing out.  It is back and the prescription, no joke, is for "magic butt cream".

4. I am thankful for my husband and how hard he works.

5. I am thankful for the next two days filled with family and fun!

6. I am thankful that I can take a day mostly off randomly and no one really caring.

7. I am thankful that both Morgan and Joie are going to be home for awhile so I'll get to see them!

8. I am thankful the vast majority of people in my family are Christians and we really do focus on the Lord during this crazy season.

9. I am thankful for peppermint hot chocolate thanks to my little sis-in-law.

10. I am thankful for You!  Merry Christmas!

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