Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thankful Thursdays Top Ten #37

It is almost the end of the year!  Wow, that went FAST!  Ok...well not the waiting for baby part...especially not the extra two weeks.  But everything else went FAST!

2011 Thankful Highlights

1. I am thankful for the birth of my baby girl Abigail!

2. I am thankful for the Lord's provision for all of our needs and quite a few of our wants!

3. I am thankful for a temporary but hopefully successful diagnosis of Grace's rash issue: Citrus allergy!  SO much easier than gluten or dairy!

4. I am thankful for family and friends who have encouraged me!

5. I am thankful for my Princess girls and co-leaders!

6. I am thankful for 27 years of life!

7. I am thankful for flexible schedules.

8. I am thankful for awesome and encouraging moms who blog and let me peer in on their lives.

9. I am thankful for safety at our teen center and events.

10. I am thankful to get to see the Lord at work and be invited to join Him.

I have a love/hate relationship with the end of the year.  I love it because it feels so new when the calendar year changes.  I hate it because I get introspective and pick apart life.  I know there are some new goals I have for the coming year and some things I want to change.  I just pray that I do it in such a way that is constructive and not overwhelming.  To be continued...

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