Sunday, August 26, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Join

Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking

Five Minute Friday: Join


there are so many awesome opportunities out there.  right now i'm a wife, a mom, work full time in ministry, lead/co-lead two Bible studies, involved in a women's group challenge, teach sunday school and occasionally cook dinner.

i like to join.  i like to be a part.  i like to have a group that i know i can count on.

but when is it enough?  when are there too many good things and i have to start saying no?  i really want my daughter to get involved in awana and i really want to volunteer with that group because i LOVE their ministry...but at what cost?

sometimes i think the Lord gently tells me no, you need to not join but to finish.  finish the tasks you've already been given.  finish YOUR race and stop trying to run them all. 



  1. I love "you need to not join but to finish." I am queen of starting and failing on the follow thru! Such a great reminder here :) I try to remember that every "yes" is a "no" to something else.

  2. I love this "other side of things" look at joining. Thank you for the reminder to keep things in perspective and make sure God is asking me to join.....and finish.

  3. :) resonates.. " finish..."
