1) Thankful for a great Dr appointment yesterday, 30 weeks of pregnancy (10 left!!), and passing my glucose test!
2) I'm thankful for my husband, date night and his awesome sense of humor. After dinner we went to a friend's house and ding-dong-ditched. Haven't done that since I was 10. It was pretty funny.
3) I'm thankful for garage sales, used kid-stuff stores and generous people! I have already been asked what we need for this baby and after today I think I can honestly say nothing but diapers! We have been given a crib and crib mattress, we'll use Grace's infant seat then I got a seat today for $12 that she can move into when the baby is ready to move into hers. I found a booster seat for $5. And I think that was everything on my mental list :)
4) I'm thankful for time to hang out with my two closest friends this week. I think we're going to the pool on Friday and then a graduation party on Saturday! Woohoo! I haven't seen either of them in awhile so it'll be nice to catch up!
5) I'm thankful for having family so close (I can get to my parent's house in about 7 minutes) for hang out time, babysitting and fun! It's nice to have them around!
6) I'm thankful for this Christmas-like feeling that is coming over me. I always said with Grace that having a baby was like knowing Christmas was coming but not knowing what day it was going to be. As we are getting closer that feeling is starting to grow again!
7) A happy healthy little girl. She is such a joy! I do think I need to start some tougher parenting because she does know more than I give her credit for sometimes...more on that later. But she has such a sweet disposition and I think she is a delightful little girl. I love when she takes my hand to show me something. Yesterday she would not stop jumping on me...it was super cute, she loves her mommy!
8) Bible study with one of my girls this week! It was the first time she led a Bible study and she did a great job! I know she was nervous but I was so proud of her!!!
9) Lots to do this weekend. Between hanging out with friends, finally cleaning my bedroom and catching up on the house I have a full list of things to accomplish. I'd also like to do another sewing project, I just haven't had the time lately!
10) Another day. I'm thankful when a new day comes and I get to try again to be a good wife, good parent, good friend...I'm glad that although my mistakes are not erased every day feels like a fresh start...a chance to make things right and keep going. I pray I never take my days for granted.
What are YOU thankful for? Leave me some comments or link up here:

I've been waiting for you to post all week!
ReplyDeleteAnyways, I'm thankful you are healthy, and pregnant, and happy.
See you soooon!!!
I have been having a complete brain block. I was going to post yesterday but didn't come up with any meaningful thoughts until about 10:30 but by then it was too late! Oh well - sorry about that! I promise to be more faithful :)