2) Time with the family and friends. Aaron and I went to the park with Grace this week and I got to have a few friends visit as well.
3) Babies! 2 friends who just gave birth to sons - both Levi's. A friend pregnant with twins, a friend pregnant with baby #2 (they will be 14 or 15 months apart). And those who are faithful to trust what God says with more kids or when He says not right now.
4) Bible study! My girls asked some GREAT questions this past week!
5) Fourth of July! This is seriously one of my favorite holidays. I'm not super sure why although I do know that it was one of the first times Aaron hung out with my family and the day that he talked to my dad about marrying me!
6) Wisdom. My husband is a smart guy. I love that he is able to gently correct my way of thinking and help me to understand his heart as well. He is an amazing man!
7) Peace. I love that the Lord knows how to calm my heart.
8) Contentedness. There are a lot of needs/wants out there but I'm thankful the Lord knows our true needs and supplies those. The rest can wait!
9) Bibles! We are $40 away from our goal to buy 500 Bibles for our teen center. I am SO thankful we were able to raise this money fairly quickly! www.harvestyouth.org/wheatsale.htm (as of this evening we have MET OUR GOAL!!!)
10) Music. I feel like lately I have had songs stuck in my head. Not always the best songs, but ones that sum up how I feel. I like that there seems to be a song track to my life constantly playing - helps me keep tabs on how I really feel :)
Are you thankful? Write them down and link up! Or just leave me some comments!

Hey lady! Its Friday!! I want funny!! lol