Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thankful Thursdays Top Ten #63

Be thankful, for what He has done, be thankful from the bottom of your heart
Be thankful, come on everyone, 'cuz Jesus is good to me!

1. I am thankful for popsicle molds from my Grandma and the fact that both yogurt and pudding make awesome frozen treats.

2. I am thankful for date night with my hubs.

3. I am thankful for a very calm, relaxing morning with my girls.  Grace and I played with play doh, went on the swings and I even mowed the back yard while Abi napped.

4. I am thankful for a God who gets me.

5. I am thankful for encouraging conversations with my teens this week.

6. I'm thankful my husband cooks!

7. I am thankful for amazing hair product deals!  (2 Pantene shampoos, 2 Pantene conditioners and 4 hair sprays for 1.33 TOTAL)

8. I am thankful for picnics with my dad.

9. I am thankful for THE FOURTH OF JULY!

10. I am thankful for close friends and the blessing of fellowship!

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