Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Waiting Game

I always pride myself in not being whiny...I'm just glad ya'll don't live with me!  Ha!  I think I do pretty well until I have a surge of hormones.  I was talking to God last night - discussing why I felt so "done" and getting His opinion on it. I really do think it is just hormones which isn't really an excuse to go crazy!

So today my resolve was to pretend I wasn't pregnant and waiting, go about my normal life and get some stuff done!  So far, fairly productive.  I got a lot of work stuff done during nap time.  I started my Christmas list to buy for people (I have two people done already!) and got my house chores list updated to include bathing the new baby and her laundry day and exercise...I also took dusting off because, lets face it, I ignore it every week anyway :)

Yesterday I got to give the hooded towels I'd been working on to Stephanie - totally pumped.  They were a good learning project but it was fun to work on them!  I think today I might bake some cookies to give away (because I certainly don't need to gain any more weight!) and possibly a couple other small projects.  I also have 200+ newsletters to stuff for work so assuming my back doesn't give out on me I'll probably do that with a movie tonight!

Anyway, my encouragement for anyone waiting on a baby - just go on with life, otherwise you'll go CRAZY! :)


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